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Awesome software release – Or am I just Bragging? - Search Engine Marketing Contact

Finally I think I have it – after what it seems to be endless months of back and forth with my developer…..I feel it’s ALMOST ready 🙂

What the hell are you talking about Col???

Ok….so here it is. I have been working on this underground piece of software that has taken literally months to create from concept to final production. I have worked tirelessly with the help of me developer to engineer a list building tool to use with your Linked In accounts.

Now I know what your probably thinking….”This has all been done before – or done to death”

Ok…OK – yes of course it has. And there are literally thousands of software’s and ideas that employ the same principles and concepts that I am using in this software.

So Col – Why are you wasting my time in telling me this????

Woooaaaa!!! There!!! – My plan was actually to increase your productivity on the 13 most popular social platform on the internet today. (Go look it up if you don’t believe me). Honestly, I truly believe LinkedIn is the most undervalued and under utilized Business social platform there is. If you take a look at all the people selling their courses on how to dominate on LinkedIn – then you will understand as I do, how effective it can be if used correctly. For my own example combined with my coming release of the new software I will be using it to funnel people from one list to another (cross my fingers). Of course, you are only as good as the effort you put in 🙂

As you can probably tell….I am kinda excited to breath a sigh of relief on this one. Not only has the process been such a long drawn out unnecessary head ache, but it has been quite an expensive one.  I have literally spent hundreds of dollars getting this to an acceptable standard.  I have changed my mind a couple of times on what I wanted to include in the software meaning features and such.  You may have already been in the same boat as myself and you would of course understand how your ideas change and evolve over the lifespan of such a project.  Fortunately for me, I had studied quite a few guides and training programs on linked In – so my preliminary ideas where solid enough to create the first solid concept for the software.  This idea was really borne from not having access to a simplified yet powerful tool that anyone could use to connect to there LinkedIn accounts.  I have to say though….I may opt towards a web based software in future just to simplify the whole development process.

Before I reveal the name of the software I want to highlight what this little baby can do:

  1. Installs easily with a few clicks on any PC (not available on MAC)
  2. Is fully security complaint with your PC
  3. Connects with 1 or more of your LinkedIn accounts
  4. Brings back all your current leads from each account
  5. Allows you to message your contacts individually
  6. Allows you a search feature to find individual contacts
  7. You can time to send to bulk contacts and messages
  8. Best of all I have added a new feature to search and connect with more people to build your client list.

As you can see just from this breakdown, the possibilities for this tool can almost be endless.  We have also coded in features that work behind the scenes to make this software as compliant as possible with LinkedIn’s API’s.  Of course as you can see – it can not only help you build a responsive business contacts list on linkedIn but if in the wrong hands can be used for evil too.  Now we make it very clear that the software itself and of course us as developers have no liability when it comes to you using it.  Which ever way you choose to use it – you must be responsible for your own actions.

So without further hold up here – this brand new software is “INBOXIN”


Now your probably thinking “That’s all good – but where is the link going to the Purchase page. “


I have decided to give it away for free 🙂

“Whaaat????  – That’s ACES!!!!!”

Sorry for that….I’m sure your not thinking this  –  I can be a bit of dag as well as a bit geeky sometimes.

Anyways – Yes, it yours for absolutely nothing because I really just wanted to give back to the community that has given me so much.  So many individuals I have come across in my marketing career have offered so much awesome information to me over the years – I should already be a muti – millionaire several times over…

So to sum up I need to add that this post today is only to inform you that the software is going to be released in approx two weeks.  It is a fully functional software  (not some junky BETA stuff),  so you will be getting the real deal.  All I ask now at this stage is if you can do me a favor.  I need to find some people to try out this software and leave me a detailed review.  If that is you, please either leave a comment on this post or you can use the form on this site to send a PM.

Thanks for watching….and stay tuned for the release 🙂