Please watch the video first to understand why humor has to be one of the main focus points in our daily journeys….otherwise how do we grow if we take ourselves too seriously.
I would like to highlight that “Focus is the key to our Success”…..
But I would also like to add that determination also helps a great deal.
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” – Henry Ford
What I am getting at here is that I not only need to change my thinking and my actions to stand out from the crowd….But I need to be determined and consistent until “it hurts” as mentioned by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Quick Start Challenge webinar.
Of course, it wasn’t actually him…but you know what I’m getting at 🙂
For many years I have stood in the background and let others make decisions for me because it was easier and in the long run I found it had really made it hard for me to become successful in anything I deserved to be successful in. I waited until that decision had been made before taking action….
Probably the biggest mistake to date really….I don’t regret it….but I really appreciate the lessons that it had shown me.
Because now I find myself taking actions on nearly all the decisions I make in my own life and taking responsibility for the outcome.
As I am sure like some of you…..I have made some atomic mistakes in my decisions and also had some awesome successes that put those mistakes into perspective. I have felt the pain and done it anyway, simply because I have wanted to give a better life to myself and my family. Because in the end….the journey is about those experience you can offer others close to you to help improve quality of life. I realize more than ever I have to give quality more than quantity so that everything I achieve ads value.
I have to hold onto and not forget those lessons that hurt the most so that I can be propelled forward, above and beyond my greatest expectations. I can now appreciate how blessed my life is and not take for granted the small things that life has to offer.
When my journey began in the IM niche, I felt it was time to build myself a good income from working from home so as not to be stuck in the 9-5 rut that other’s had created. Although, at the time, I was running my own contracting business and doing quite well mind you….most of my work was on sub contract basis…In the building game this means all your jobs including dealing with the customer had to be done according to the parent companies guidelines which included not talking to clients about anything other than the job at hand…
I hope your getting the picture. I was still working at decisions that someone else had made in my life and making them look good. All the while I had less time with my family and a lot more worries on my plate.
So when I was introduced to internet marketing. It became abundantly clear I needed to pursue this line of work so that I could create a more positive and fulfilling lifestyle at home. I would come home some days absolutely exhausted, but would be exited to see how my online presence was making a difference to other….Unfortunately, I found I was not making much of an impact except for a few sales on Ebay.
Years of doing the same thing day in, day out was starting to wear thin and the strain was felt, not only to myself, but by all those around me. As far as Internet Marketing went….I almost gave up all together. I thought to myself…best just stick to what I know….being a tradie. Don’t get me wrong, I have a loving partner who supports me – but I guess the pressure was getting too much.
In the years following…I had some mild success with platforms such as fiverr combined with offline local business clients I began seeing potential again. I began to get my sense of humor back and seeing the positive events out there in the IM world, I felt like I needed to go back to what I loved and be a part of the community I so enjoyed in the past.
All in all it has been a roller coaster ride, but I am happy to say….
I may have not made a fortune online….or even come close. But I am back in the game, more positive, more enthusiastic and more enlightened than ever before. I have made the decision to “quit” my day job, so to speak. And give 1000% to my online marketing and relationship building schedule. To fill my life with positive people who are making a difference in their lives no matter what niche they are involved in and to move ahead faster with more focus than ever before.
I would really like to finish by thanking all those inspired souls in the “Quick Start Challenge 3.0” And all others that are being true to themselves…
It’s a fresh start…..Go get EM all!!!! and God Bless
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